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He pushed her away and stood to remove his jeans. Then he sat back, legs wide apart, and slowly, sensuously, pumped his swollen cock.
She was mesmerised at the sight.
“Get on your knees and open your mouth.”
He placed a hand behind her head and fed his cock between her lips.
“Oh yes,” he breathed. “Now, move up and down. Slowly. That’s it, all the way. Right down. Now up again. Keep it nice and tight.”
* * *
Fuck, this is good, he thought as Anna’s mouth worked fervently on his cock. She could do with a little more practice, but he had no doubt she would be getting that soon anyway. At least she was trying to please him.
This had to be the perk of all perks. He sighed happily, leaning back to give her bobbing head more room. Taking photos for the agency paid well enough, but this was his bonus. Anna was by no means the first to be told to suck him off and he knew that—provided he behaved himself—she would not be the last. He wondered if she would gag when he shot his load. Her instructions, like those of the others, were to swallow, but not all of them had. The last one had refused, leaving him to clean up the mess she had spat onto the studio floor.
He liked Anna, though, and thought she showed potential. If she behaved, if she took his cum and then thanked him nicely, he would give her a good mark in his report.
Chapter 6.
A boundary had been crossed and Anna needed to come to terms with it. Over the days that followed, safe in her corporate uniform, she focused only on the requirements of her role at the bank. However, it was difficult to remain anonymous, what with her new look—the shorter hair, which one or two had enthusiastically told her looked amazing, and the glowing skin. She was quieter and less inclined than ever to join in the laughter and gossip. She overheard someone say she seemed to be only there in body, not in spirit. Finally the full-blown rumour reached her. She had to be having an affair. Possibly with someone who worked in the same building, maybe even on the same floor. Although she strenuously denied it, she realized that for more than a few of her colleagues the monotony of the day was broken by offering suggestions as to who that person might be.
Anna’s disgust at what had taken place in the studio soon subsided. With no word back from Stephanie, she was left to wonder if perhaps she had made too much of it. After all, it was only a blowjob, and it wasn’t as if she had never done that before.
But not with a stranger, her more sensible half retorted.
When Stephanie finally made contact she sounded excited.
“Anna, it’s Stephanie. Is it all right to talk? I’m sorry it has taken me a while to get back to you. But I have some really great news.”
“What is it?” Anna replied warily.
“Your portfolio. It’s just stunning. Would you like to see it?”
Would she? Her reservations about being drawn deeper and deeper into this other shadowy world had not gone away. On the other hand, what choice did she have now?
“I suppose so.”
“When would you like to pop by?”
“Would tonight be okay?” Might as well get it over with.
“Of course. Shall we say seven again?”
Anna arrived to find the glass coffee table covered in glossy images. She didn’t exaggerate, Anna thought, catching glimpses of herself as Stephanie leaned forward to pick up, consider, and discard each photograph.
“Tony has suggested six in particular as the base of your portfolio. This one.” She offered the photograph to Anna.
“Oh! It’s gorgeous.”
“It is lovely, isn’t it? I love that suit, and the jacket hanging open just enough to show the curve of one breast works really well. And this one.”
She handed another to Anna. “Now where is it? Ah, yes, this one.”
Anna had no idea Tony’s work would be so sophisticated. Even the more unrestrained poses had somehow acquired a measure of artistic acceptability.
“You’re surprised?”
“Yes, I am. They’re all so good.”
“As I told you when we first met,” Stephanie smiled through the reproof, “we are a very exclusive agency, and everything we do must reflect that. Naturally that includes our escorts’ portfolios. Are you happy with Tony’s selection?”
“Yes, I am.”
Recognising the significance of her words, Anna glanced at Stephanie. The other woman’s face gave nothing away and the realisation that she would be offered no reprieve caused Anna a moment of sadness. There would be no more boyfriends for the immediate future, at least none who would want to take her home to meet their parents. And she would need to learn how to evade unwanted questions from her father. Not that they spoke very often. She had been far closer to her mother. She would be leading a double life until she had cleared all her debt and created a stable financial base for herself. The quality of the images in front of her were somewhat reassuring; there might be a fraction of class in what she would be doing.
“Excellent. We’ll get down to composing a paragraph or two about you to complete the portfolio. And let’s celebrate while we do so! Champagne?”
Stephanie reached for the dewy bottle of Bollinger resting in the ice bucket. “I take it you do like champagne?”
“I’ve only had it a few times, but yes, I like it.”
“Most of our ladies request it when asked.”
Anna watched as Stephanie filled two crystal flutes with sparkling white froth.
“Right. Let’s get to work creating your biography. But before we do that, we should toast to your success.”
Stephanie’s smile was exultant as she raised her glass in salute.
“To you.”
“To me.” Anna tried to sound enthusiastic.
“So,” Stephanie was poised once again to write in her calfskin notebook. “How shall we put it all together? We already know you have a career in the financial world. Do you have any hobbies?”
“Unfortunately I don’t seem to have much time for that sort of thing. Reading, listening to music—that would be about it.”
“Cultural pursuits, rather than anything more strenuous?”
“Yes, you could say that, although I do enjoy going to the gym when I have time.”
“That’s good to hear. It’s important to take care of oneself. Your body is, after all, going to be very important to your livelihood. You recall your spa and hair sessions?”
Anna nodded.
“We expect you to maintain a high level of upkeep on a regular basis.”
“I see. Well, that shouldn’t be hard. Enjoyable, too.”
“Indeed. But there are other requirements. For example, we insist on regular medical check-ups.” Stephanie paused, watching Anna absorb the information. “And drug checks. This agency does not tolerate the use of any drugs. We also prefer that our escorts do not smoke.” She moved to refresh their glasses. “I know you understand the need for rules. Adhering to a schedule, for example, is extremely important. You should never be late for an appointment, and it is just as vital that you learn how to draw one to a close in a way that does not offend your client.
“There’s something else. Anna, we expect you to consider the needs and desires of our clients above your own. Most of our clients are married, some very happily, and all have expectations that you must meet. We expect you to do so with enthusiasm and discretion.”
“I understand,” Anna said, “but as you’ve already said, I lack the proper experience.”
“So, how do I gain it?”
Stephanie smiled. “Leave that to me. After all, we simply cannot risk our reputation on someone who, while they fit our criteria in other areas, has little sexual experience.”
The champagne was taking effect, and Anna was feeling not only a little light-headed, but also strangely light-hearted.
“Do you think you are ready for your first lesson?”
“I suppose so.”
Stephanie put down her champagne
“Then I will make a phone call. The gentleman I will call will be perfect for your first time. He is very understanding, and,” Stephanie smiled knowingly at Anna, “very generous.”
“He has been known to give extremely large gifts to those he favours. Depending on how pleased he is, of course.”
Anna took a deep breath.
“I’ll do it. But I have nothing to wear.”
Stephanie smiled.
“Don’t worry, I’ll find you something.”
In her absence Anna wondered if it would be permissible to refill her glass. She decided not. She’d probably had enough champagne already. It wouldn’t do to turn up drunk on her first … what? Date? Job? Assignation?
She gave a little giggle at the last, realising immediately that her nerves were back. Would he be older or younger? Older, she decided. She hoped he was attractive. It would make having sex with him so much easier.
When Stephanie reappeared she was carrying what appeared to be a black cocktail dress.
“Have you any make-up with you?”
“Only what I would normally use to freshen up.”
“Good. There’s a powder room down the hall. Off you go.”
In less than ten minutes, Anna was back.
“You’re already wearing heels, so no need to worry there. Let’s see if the dress fits.”
After removing her skirt and top, Anna reached for the garment.
“Wait,” Stephanie said. “I’m not sure about the bra.”
Anna blushed. She had not bothered to put on anything special, and the bra she was wearing, while comfortable, was certainly nothing that might be considered sexy.
“Take it off. The dress works better without one anyway.”
Released from their confinement, Anna’s breasts swung freely, giving her an unexpected surge of sexual energy. She reached forward again.
“Your briefs?”
“What about them?”
“Take them off.”
“But I haven’t anything else.”
“Just take them off.”
Anna did so. Again she reached for the dress. This time Stephanie complied.
“Can you zip me up?” Normally she would have coped on her own, but her hands were shaking and she didn’t want Stephanie to find out.
“Of course,” Stephanie said. “Turn around. Now. Let me look at you.”
She moved back a pace.
“Perfect,” she reached forward to smooth a wrinkle in the satin, “and just in time. I think I heard the taxi.”
“But ... where am I going?”
“To the Metropolis. Your client has a suite there. Forty-three oh four. He’s waiting for you.”
“Oh my God, Stephanie. What if he wants me to …?” She couldn’t finish.
“What he requires is for you to discover. And when you do, you must give him everything he wants and more. Anna, remember that this man is paying for your company and, I fully expect, for the use of your body. Put a high value on yourself and ‘over-deliver,’ as they say. Now go!”
* * *
After watching the girl get into the taxi, Stephanie stayed in the doorway until the taxi turned the corner and was lost to sight. Only then did she go back inside and, after replenishing her glass, spend a few minutes gathering together the photographs. There were so many good ones. Tony had been right; Anna was a natural in front of the camera, even in some of the more explicit poses. She briefly wondered whether she would be as confident making a video.
No, it is far too soon for that, she thought.
In the meantime there were other clients who would appreciate her new merchandise. She reached for the phone and her notebook. Not that she wasn’t confident of her recall of all Anna had told her—especially when it came to her sexual preferences and shortcomings—but it never hurt to keep a record of the finer details on hand.
Much as she liked Anna, this was a business after all.
Chapter 7.
Daniel Morin loved his wife. He couldn’t fault her or their marriage; both had fulfilled all his initial hopes and more. If he ever yearned for the heady days before their children had been born—when his wife’s passion and vibrancy had held him in thrall—he never said. Back then she had been an acknowledged beauty; those in the know had called him sharp and farsighted. Society agreed that they were well-matched, and over the years, her beauty had shaped itself into a sophisticated elegance. Meanwhile he had matured into a highly respectable and very wealthy entrepreneur.
It was a true appreciation of all he had that kept his infidelities under control. Astute enough to establish limits from the outset, he made arrangements with mistresses based on a meeting of bodies rather than minds.
Although he enjoyed intellectual stimulation, Daniel tended to compartmentalise. He liked things tidy. However, over the past few years he had noticed a change. Women who would once have accepted the need for discretion in return for his affection were wanting more, demanding that at some stage he would, if not divorce his wife, at least leave her. Daniel had no intention of taking such a drastic step.
He had turned to Stephanie for a solution, and she provided just what he wanted—young women who were attractive and educated. The additional condition for which Daniel paid the agency a substantial premium was to be every girl’s first-ever client.
* * *
“What type of music do you like?”
He waved his glass at the Bose system, indicating that he would be happy to replace his choice with that of the young woman sitting opposite him.
“Actually, whatever’s playing is lovely.”
He was pleased with her response. So far things were going well, and he would be congratulating Stephanie on finding such a perfect candidate for her agency. The girl was nervous, but that was to be expected.
“I’m glad you think so. There is somewhat of an operatic renaissance going on, with quite a few pieces crossing over to a more mainstream audience. ‘Nessun Dorma’ being a classic example. There can’t be many who haven’t at least heard Pavarotti’s version.”
Anna nodded somewhat uncertainly, and Daniel decided to change topics.
“Anna, can I ask a little about you?”
“Of course. I believe you know this is all new to me.”
“Stephanie did mention it. So, other than for the purpose for which you are here, do you work?”
“Yes. In a bank.”
“This will be very different for you, then.”
Anna nodded. Daniel knew that she really didn’t want to talk about herself. He also knew that she wanted to get the sex over with and leave as soon as it was polite to do so. But that was not his style. He enjoyed savouring his pleasures, be they food, wine or sex.
“So what made you approach the agency?” He reached over courteously to top up her glass.
“Unfortunately it’s a necessity. I have bills to pay, and no way of doing so.”
“What type of bills?”
“The usual. Power, phone, rent.”
“I see.”
He placed ten one hundred dollar bills onto the coffee table, spreading them into a fan.
“One thousand dollars. Two hours of your time. Do we have a deal?”
She stared in astonishment, and then nodded.
Daniel’s cock, already hard, strained against the fabric of his trousers. He knew Anna’s sexual experience was limited from the comprehensive notes Stephanie had read him over the phone. That was what he wanted. Not a virgin; that was too much responsibility. No, what he happily paid for was the pleasure of initiating women like Anna into the realities and benefits of whoring themselves. Little would be left of her innocence by the end of the evening. He wondered if she really understood what she was doing in selling her body. After him others would make use of her, and reason offered that she would soon rationalise her situation and even find a tolerable acceptance in
being fucked without any emotional involvement. Indeed, she may become very adept at the role. But that was her future and he had no interest in that.
“So Anna, shall we get down to business?”
There was the slightest hesitation.
“What is it you wish of me?”
Daniel recognised the phrase. He had heard it from others Stephanie had sent him.
“Well, first I would like you to take off that dress.”
She carefully put her glass down and stood. That she faltered a little had nothing to do with the wine.
She turned her back. “Would you unzip me?”
“Of course. It would be my pleasure.”
He waited as she lowered her head and lifted her hair out of the way.
His touch was deliberately gentle. Considerate. Slowly he manoeuvred the zip down and, after easing the dress from her shoulders, leaned forward to place the lightest of kisses on the nape of her neck.
“Please turn around,” he said.
She did so, and he took a step back in order to fully appreciate her.
“Now, take it off.”
She shivered visibly and his cock leapt again. Her attempt to preserve her modesty by lowering first one side, then the other, while not clumsy, was completed with a lack of finesse he found appealing. That, and the urge to cover herself when the dress finally puddled on the floor.
Daniel gazed at her perfect globes. Her skin was like velvet and he reached forward to stroke and cup each breast in turn. Her nipples hardened when the palms of his hands brushed over them.
“Just beautiful,” he repeated.
Anna closed her eyes, making him even more aware of her discomfort. His fingers lingered on her belly and he felt her shudder again.
“Undress me.”
Obediently she fumbled with the buttons of his shirt and eased the expensive fabric from the waistband of his trousers.
“Now touch me.” He took her hands and placed them on his chest. If he hadn’t known already, he would have been certain then that she had never been fucked by anyone substantially older than herself.
Shrugging off his shirt, he pulled her towards him, wanting to feel her soft and warm breasts against his skin. There was no resistance, not even when he took her arms and guided them around his neck. Understanding what was required of her, she laid her cheek against his, only flinching when he placed one hand on the small of her back and gently pushed the other between her legs. Her startled cry and natural reluctance caused him to increase the pressure while he held her in place.